Library Safety Essentials

Library Safety Essentials

When to Call for Help? (7-3010 Campus Security)

Emergency Phone Numbers 
Active Shooter(s) Event
Fire & Medical Emergencies - 911
1) Run - Try and get away from the area of the shooter(s)
Bomb Threat - 7-7000
2) Hide - If you cannot get away, try and hide from the shooter(s)
Crime in Progress - 7-7000
3) Fight - If you cannot avoid the shooter(s), fight for your life
Hazardous Substance Emergency: 7-7000
More Information at Active Shooter Event
Suspicious Person or Object: 7-7000

1) Drop, cover and hold until shaking stops
1) Activate Fire Alarm
2) Evacuate
2) Call 911

3) Evacuate
More information at OSU Emergency Management
More information at OSU Emergency Management
Medical Emergency
More Resources
1) Call 911

OSU Campus Alert (http://alert.oregonstate.edu)

3) Render first aid or CPR if trained


  • the location of your nearest emergency exit
  • the location of your nearest fire alarm
  • the location of your nearest fire extinguisher 
  • frequently review emergency procedures

OSU Department of Public Safety & Oregon State Police

OSU Office of Emergency Management

OSU Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)

4) Send someone to meet the ambulance

More information at Medical Emergencies

Who is in Charge & Reporting

The Building Manager (Faye Chadwell or designee) should be notified of emergencies and security issues that occur in the library as soon as possible. During weekday evenings (after 5pm) and weekends, Circulation staff will have primary responsibility for the building and for handling patron and building problems, public address system paging, and emergency situations. If there is no scheduled staff available for Circulation, please see Backup Staff Coverage.

If you reported an emergency or incident, please fill out an Incident Report at http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/Valley/safety/incident-report.(staff only)

Employee’s Responsibility

  • Notify library administration or Circulation staff (evenings/weekends) of any emergency or incident immediately (fire, medical, crime in progress, bomb threats, suspicious persons or objects). Complete the Incident Report Form if you reported an emergency or incident.
  • Perform work in a safe manner by following established safety rules and reporting unsafe conditions to supervisors.
  • Be familiar with emergency procedures, emergency exits, fire alarm & extinguisher locations and the general layout of the building.
  • Report any work related injuries or illness to your supervisor.

Library Safety A-Z

Active Shooter Events

When the library/campus becomes aware of a shooter on campus, you must take immediate action. Your only responsibility is to protect yourself. Do not pull the fire alarm! Review OSULP Guidelines for Violent Threat

1) Run: Get out of the building if it is safe to do so. Once in a safe place, call 911 and then call the emergency number for campus public safety: 541-737-7000. Send text messages and/or post on social media to alert others to the violent threat on campus. There are no assembly areas for these events.

2) HIde: Seek shelter in the nearest secured place. Turn off lights and devices indicating that the room is occupied. Keep out of the line of sight. BE QUIET. Do not respond to anyone at the door. 

3) Fight - IF THE SHOOTER ENTERS YOUR ROOM and If there is no other option 

Have these phone numbers listed in your phone. Campus alerts will be sent out.

  • 911 - Emergency
  • 541-737-7000 - State Police
  • Supervisor and co-workers

Review the Active Shooter Event Procedures & Information wiki site

Discuss in your work area where you would run, hide and what you can use as weapons to fight.

If you see someone on the campus with a weapon, call 541-737-7000 immediately.

If you are off campus or out of the area where the event is occuring, stay there and contact your supervisor so they can account for you.

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Units

AED units are located behind the 2nd floor Circulation desk - in the public address system alcove (south end of Circ desk); 3rd floor staff area - inside the middle office door and to the right; 4th floor Administration & Consulting Reception Desk/Ecampus area - next to the mailboxes and the door to Digital Images & Graphic Services. The units are intended for use by library staff only and wall signs indicate their location. Library staff are encouraged to be trained before using the AED units. The units are maintained by the Safety Committee. More information can be found at AED Units.

Biohazardous Waste Disposal

A biohazard disposal container is located at Circulation on the second floor at the north side of the desk. Also available at this location are medical gloves and disinfectant deodorant. Do not bring the sharp object to the container, bring the container to the sharp object (needles, scalpel blades, lancets and syringes) to dispose and take extra precaution not to puncture or tear your skin (wear double gloves when handling). More information can be found at Biohazardous Waste Disposal.

Child Abuse Reporting

It is mandatory for any employee of a higher education institution to report child abuse at all times, 24/7. You can always report an incident to law enforcement or the Department of Human Services. A "child" is considered anyone under the age of 18.

What is Child Abuse and Neglect?

  • “Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.” - Child Welfare Information Gateway Factsheet

Make a Report: Your report will be confidential unless called as a witness or disclosed by a court order

  • OSU Mandatory Reporting Form (for instances related to OSU authorized activities)
  • Call 1-855-503-SAFE (7233). This toll-free number allows you to report abuse or neglect of any child or adult to the Oregon Department of Human Services.

If possible, provide the following information:

    •  Names and addresses of the child and parent
    • Child’s age
    • Type and extent of abuse
    • The explanation given for the abuse
    • Any other information that will help establish the cause of abuse or identify the abuser

Failing to report is subject to a Class A cirminal violation and maximum fine of $2,000.

For information on how "abuse" is defined, please see Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse & Neglect 


If you feel an earthquake:

  1. Drop, Cover and Hold-on. Protect yourself.
    • Stay away from glass
    • Do not use a doorway unless you know it is a load-bearing doorway
    • Do not exit the building while shaking is going on. Falling debris can kill you
    • Do not use elevators
    • Do not pull fire alarm
  2. Evacuate the building as soon as you deem it safe. 
    • If outside during the shaking, move away from buildings or other objects that could fall
    • Bring only items you can easily grab, including backpacks especially packed with emergency gear, coat, hat, phone, essentials (e.g. handbag).
  3. Recovery
    • Do not re-enter a building until it has been seismically inspected
    • Expect aftershocks and more building damage to occur
    • Extinguish small fires
    • Follow OSU guidance for follow-on activities.

Elevator Emergencies & Problems

If people are trapped inside an elevator, contact Campus Security (7-3010) immediately informing them of what floor they are trapped and the elevator number.

For general elevator problems contact:

  • Weekdays (8am-5pm): Report problems to the assistant building manager, who will post signs and contact Facilities Services.
  • Evenings and Weekends: Circulation staff will call Campus Security and post out of service signage on the affected elevators.

Employee Injuries/Illness

If you are injured or become ill due to working conditions, notify your supervisor as soon as possible who will fill out an accident report. Report any unsafe conditions you find.

You can report an accident or injury using the Public Incident Reporting Form.

Emergency Exits

Know where your nearest emergency exit is wherever you are located (safety maps). Do not block emergency routes or exits. Emergency exits are located at the main entrance (2nd floor), Java II entrance (1st floor) and the east and west stairwells, east side and SW corners on all floors. 

Emergency Phones

Emergency (red) phones are located in the stairwell areas on each floor (safety maps). These phones are connected directly to OSU Campus Security. If you are unable to speak on the phone, simply leave the handset off the hook and officers will be dispatched to the library. There is also a red emergency phone at Circulation under the desk (north corner). Only use these phones for immediate emergencies (i.e., crime in progress, medical emergency, fire).

Emergency Posters

Every work area should have an OSU Emergency Poster displayed. Posters can be obtained from the Valley Safety Committee or printed from the OSU Emergency Management.


"The goal of ergonomics is to work towards a safe & healthful work environment free from recognized hazards by fitting the job to the person rather than making the person fit the job". - OSU Environmental Health & Safety

OSU Environmental Health & Safety provides Ergonomic SAIF Videos at https://ehs.oregonstate.edu/ergonomics. If you have further questions or concerns, you can contact EH&S for an ergonomic assessment by contacting the Occupational Safety Officer.

 If you require new ergonomic office equipment, please contact your supervisor.

Evacuations of the Building

Remain calm. Always respond to an evacuation order and do not assume the situation is a drill or a false alarm.

Everyone will leave the building through the nearest safest emergency exit, encouraging library users to leave as they move toward exits. Do not use the elevators. Proceed to your department/unit assembly area (map).

  • Dept. heads, supervisors or designated staff members will account for all employees in their dept and report anyone not accounted for to the building manager or emergency personnel. 
  • Do not block the street, driveways or entrances.
  • Emergency personnel will clear the building.
  • Please avoid using the loading dock area as an emergency exit. You should leave the building through the nearest designated emergency exit in your location (includes main 2nd floor and Java II exits).  

All library building employees should exit the building at the nearest safe emergency exit and proceed to their assigned evacuation assembly area. Employees should remain there until the “all clear” is given or the building has been closed. The dept. head, supervisor or designated staff should take a head count at the assembly area (a list with all current employees is helpful). Identify the names and last known locations of anyone not accounted for and pass them to the Building Manager (University Librarian or designee), who will inform emergency personnel. LEAD door monitors have two-way radios to communicate with each other (see Library Building Evacuation FAQ and Assembly Area map).

Emergency response teams are responsible for making sure the building is cleared during an evacuation. If you notice someone in the building who is having problems leaving the building (refuses to leave, disabled person, etc.) notify emergency personnel once you have evacuated the building. (Library Building FAQ)

Circulation staff and students will be outside the main exit and the east and west exits and will use megaphones to instruct people to move to the north end of the building (library quad). Door monitors are placed at the plaza area at the main entrance, near the drinking fountains at the west emergency exit, and the Java II exit/Pharmacy building quad beyond the vehicle path at the east emergency exit. They will remain in these positions until told to announce it is safe to re-enter by emergency response personnel or are advised by emergency personnel to leave the area. Circulation will have evacuation procedures, megaphones, two-way radios and flashlights. If the Information Desk is staffed, they are trained to make their way to the front of the building and check with the Circ staff to see if they need assistance with monitoring exits or taking over the megaphone so phone calls can be made.

Disabled persons not on a floor with an outside exit should

  1. go to the nearest stairwell landing 
  2. use the red emergency phone to notify emergency personnel you are there. Your location is noted on the phone.
  3. wait there for emergency personnel to help you evacuate the building if needed.

University policy can be found at OSU Disability Access Services Evacuation Procedures. There is an emergency red phone on every floor of the building stairwells, so disabled persons are expected to pick up the phone and be directly linked to public safety if they have any concerns or safety issues. You do not need to dial 911. Public Safety will notify the emergency response team know you are there. Disabled persons will not be evacuated if there is no actual danger in the building. Another alternative is to stay in an exterior room with a window as our sprinkler system will keep fires contained to the source.

Do not go out of your way to collect personal items. Items of value/necessity should be with you at all times in case of an evacuation.

Circulation Building Evacuation and Power Interruption/Outage Procedures.


If you notice fire or smoke in the building

  1. Activate the fire alarm
  2. Call 911 (cell phones will work)
  3. Evacuate using the nearest emergency exit and encourage others to leave as you evacuate
  4. Don't use elevators or the loading dock
  5. Close doors to contain fire as you leave
  6. Feel closed doors - don't open hot doors
  7. Only attempt to extinguish a fire if preventing evacuation
  8. Proceed to your assigned assembly area.

Review Evacuations of the Building above. 

Fire Alarms

Fire alarms are located near each exit and at the west and east ends of the avenue on each floor (safety maps). Only use if you discover a fire in the building, call 911, and leave the building. Report any problems to emergency personnel. Do not block access to fire alarms.

Fire Doors

The fire doors between each floor and the stairwells will automatically close when the fire alarms are activated. They are meant to keep fire from spreading and keep smoke out of the stairwell evacuation routes. If they are closed you can still exit to the stairwell by pushing on the hand bar. Circ staff will re-open after a fire alarm event.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are located near exits throughout the building and are indicated by a wall sign above the extinguisher (safety maps). They are to be used only to egress the building if fire is blocking your path or small trash can size fires. An online fire extinguisher training video is available at The ABC's of Portable Fire Extinguishers. More information can be found at Fire Extinguisher Policy.

Do not block access to fire extinguishers.

First Aid Kits

First Aid Kits are attached to the AED units as well as located throughout the building and are maintained by each department (safety maps). The Safety Committee will maintain the first aid kit in the Staff Lounge and those with the AED units.

You may give library patrons band aids but do not dispense or administer any medications, including common pain relievers. Do not put any ointments or creams on wounds or burns; use ice, cold pack or cold water.

First aid kit supplies are available through your department's purchasing clerk. A list of locations and supplies can be found at First Aid Kits.

Library Building

Be familiar with the library building. Review the library floormaps and take a tour of unfamiliar areas when you can. Emergency exits and phones are indicated on the maps.

Medical Emergencies

A list of staff trained in first aid and/or CPR/AED can be found at the  First Aid & CPR-AED Certified Staff List. If you would like to be trained information is located at First Aid & CPR-AED Training.

Do not dispense or administer any medications, including common pain relievers. Do not put any ointments or creams on wounds or burns; use ice, cold pack or cold water.

Office Environment Safety

OSU Evironmental Health & Safety offers an Office Environment Powerpoint slideshow for safety training. At the end you will be asked to complete an Online Training Acknowledgement. 

It is recommended that all employees participate in this training.

Patron Problems

If you are having problems (harassment, intoxication, etc) with a patron in the library, contact your supervisor or Circulation staff (evenings/weekend) to handle the situation. If the patron will not cooperate contact Campus Security (7-3010). For immediate emergencies call 911.

Power Outages

(an emergency generator activates within one minute to supply power for security gates, emergency lighting and the public address system.)

  • Weekdays: Building manager reports outage and notifies Circulation staff if a public evacuation announcement is needed via the public address system. Staff will monitor emergency exits.
  • Evenings and weekends: Circulation staff call Security (7-3010) and the building manager. If power will not be restored within 10 minutes, an evacuation announcement is made via the PA system upon the decision of the building manager. Staff monitor exits as during an emergency evacuation.
  • PA Announcement: (repeat at two minute intervals)
    “Your attention please. The building is being evacuated. Use the stairs and the main entrance doors. Do not use elevators. If you are unable to use stairs, wait on the stair landings for assistance.”

If the lights do go out, there are flashlights in your work area available for use. If an evacuation is necessary, you will be notified and follow basic building evacuation procedures.

Circulation Building Evacuation and Power Interruption/Outage Procedures.

Public Address (PA) System

The public address system behind Circulation/SMS/OCH desk on the 2nd floor and can be used to contact a patron with a personal emergency situation. If the patron requesting an announcement says it is for an emergency situation, do not question them. Note a contact number if the request is made by phone or have the requestor remain near the desk. The person being requested should be asked to come to the 2nd floor Circulation desk.


Contact the Library Safety Committee at LibSafety@oregonstate.edu

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