Admin Panel-How it works

Admin Panel-How it works


Open Room's Admin panel has 9 function buttons that allow you to set hours, cleaning hours, grant admin privileges, set room filters and much more. This page will give a brief overview of each how function works.

Accessing Admin Panel

To access the Admin panel, you must first be logged in to your ONID account on your computer. Once you have logged in, the top of the page should look like this.


Next to your name there should be (Admin) as a link. Click that link to get to the Admin panel. Once you are in the Admin panel, it should look like this:


You will notice it says "Front Page" in the upper right corner. This will take you back to the patron view/main page of Open Room. On the left is the list of function buttons. These buttons remain static and can be accessed no matter what function your are working with.


Setting is where you can manipulate a variety of parameters for Open Room

Miscellaneous Settings
  • You can put a Header Message on the Front page of Open Room when you need to make an announcement that patrons will see everytime they go to the room reservation page.
Email Settings
  • Open Room automatically sends out several different email messages to patrons
    • Reservation Cancellation
    • Reservation Successfully Made
    • Reservation Update
  • You can create a "footer" messages that appears at the bottom of every email sent by Open Room. 
    • Open Room sends out 3 types of emails.
    • There are 3 different "footer" messages, one for each email type.
  • You can set the name and email address the emails are sent from
Reservation Settings
  • This is where you set limits for
    • how many concurrent reservations patrons can have
    • how many days in advance they can set a reservation
    • how much padding time Open Room sets between reservations.
User Reservation Limits (Minutes)
  • Just what it says. This is where you set limits for the length of reservations. Currently there are 5 settings:
    • Graduate (360 minutes)
    • Faculty (360 minutes)
    • Professional (360 minutes)
    • Default (180 minutes)
    • Admin (360 minutes)
  • You can add additional groups if needed. 


Open Room admin and staff account privileges are tied to the IP address of computers that are connected to the library network by a LAN cable. To access those privileges using a wireless device, the staff member's ONID account must also be given staff or admin privileges. This is done using the Roles function. Go here for more detailed information about how to use the "Roles" and "IP logins" functions. 

  • Open Room has two types of accounts
    • Staff
      • This allows you to set immediate reservations and cancel reservations.
      • You cannot create advanced reservations for others in this setting.
      • You cannot access the Admin panel
      • All 2 computers at the Circulation desk are set to "staff"
    • Admin
      • Admin allows you to access the Admin panel
      • You can create advanced reservations for others
      • Circulation staff have Admin privileges on their computers.
      • The staff computer station at Circulation also has Admin privileges
  • You must have a person's ONID username to add them to this page
  • Login and privileges are also tied to the IP address of the computer. You can see how this works under the IP Logins function.


This function allows you to set all the room information patrons see about a room when they are placing a reservation.

  • Each room has an "Edit" and "Delete" button
  • "Edit" allows you to
    • Give the room a name
    • Identify the floor the room is on
    • Select filters to apply to the room
    • Write a description of the room
    • Add images of the room
    • Add a floor map showing where the room is located


In this section you can add or delete filters. Filters allow patrons to search for specific features of a room. Filters currently include:

  • ADA Accessible
  • Window
  • Monitor
  • Capacity


This section shows you information about keycards. You can:

  • Change the barcode
  • See the current status of the key card
  • Assign a keycard to a specific room

This section does not tell you which keycard is copy 1 or copy 2. You will need to cross-reference in Alma to find that information.


This is where you set cleaning hours for each room. Cleaning hours allows you to close the room briefly on a regular schedule so the cleaning crew can get into the rooms at night to clean them.

  • Rooms are cleaned Tuesdays and Fridays
  • During Dead Week and Finals Week the cleaning hours are staggered, so there are always rooms available for reservation
  • We also use the cleaning hours function during the weekend between Dead Week and Finals Week when the library closes at 3 am instead of 10 pm Friday and Saturday.
    • Because Open Room doesn't allow us to close a room and then open it again on the same day, Open Room is not able to properly pull hours from the library website during this weekend.
    • Cleaning hours allows us to create a workaround by closing the room from 3 am - 10 am for "cleaning"
  • All this is explained in detail in Managing Study Room Hours of Operation


Open Room pulls hours from the library website to determine when rooms are opened and closed. However, sometimes we need to manipulate the hours. We use this function for:

  • Closing a room due to damage or scheduled maintenance
  • As part of the workaround during extended hours.

IP Logins

This function allows us to create auto logins using the IP address of a computer. Otherwise you would have to login to ONID and then again in Open Room. The downside is if you are using someone else's computer that also has admin privileges. No matter how many times you try to login to Open Room, it will auto login as the person who normally uses this computer.


This function keeps a log of every reservation, cancellation, and truncation. It's a great resource if you are trying to find patterns of usage. You can sort the columns and search by ONID username. If a reservation has been cancelled, you can see the history of that reservation. 

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