SCARC Liebert Unit

SCARC Liebert Unit

The Liebert Unit within SCARC cools and climate controls the archive space within SCARC. Planning began to replace the unit in 2021 as the unit was determined to be nearing the end of its life. Facilities funded the replacement. Contact Sean Olsen was the contact and went through the bid process with Hunter-Davisson being awarded the project. Confirmation of install dates was given Monday, September 12 and specific schedule was shared September 14th. 

Schedule: September 19-24, 2022.
Work will start each day at 7 a.m.
Monday - Removal of old unit
Tuesday/Wednesday - Installation of New Unit
Thursday - Crane onsite to move equipment to roof
Friday - Finishing up install and set up. 

Additional days for wrapping up install and set up were necessary. 9/26-27

Once install is complete more specific system specifications and maintenance schedule will be documented here.
Install was completed early the week of September 27, 2022 and the unit was turned on with no issues.
Status: Installation Complete

Sean Olsen will schedule additional follow up as needed for the system, and annual maintenance.