Library Printing Space

Library Printing Space

Group: Erin Kooyman, Kristin Swetland, Dave Manela, Margaret Mellinger, Uta Hussong-Christian, and Rachel Burgess.

Goal: Students will have printing ready to go fall of 2023 and staff/faculty will be able to support them.

As this is a heavily used student service getting student input and sharing out the change is essential.

Printer moving plan at Valley

To support student printing needs at the library and be ready to adapt printing based on their input.

Timeline and Scope
Completion before Fall 2023
Work through printing challenges and preferences shared by students.
Brainstorm printer process.
Brainstorm possible printer locations.

Printer Layout

Consensus that the layout presented is ideal for a start.

Current Status: In Progress/On Target

Existing Furniture moves completed. 
New Furniture installed.

Public computers in process of being set up.

Printers set up and installed excepting one left in the java walkthrough for closure week.

Data and power work complete.

Signage In Progress

General Plan and Information
Power and Data
Pull new for the printer location, install new electrical.
Pricing for the work/scheduling with Dave/Telecom. $20k
Trellis system for printer infrastructure:

Moving Public Computers

Relocating to where the current printers are located.
Lessens chance of conflict between students and public patrons.
Standing tables for the entire front section (quick print and ONID) 3 sections
Public copier/printer

Quick Print Stations

2 rows of quick print stations in addition to the current tables moving over.
Move onid comps back into public space area
Overhead light dim - may have to remove bulbs for bookeye/scanners.


When do we do this related to all the other projects?
Before/after/during desk.
Before combo desk project- Third week in June during closure and the two weeks following.

Planning Document:

Student input planning:

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