Biblio Training

  • Home
  • Login
  • Import data
    • Login and go to the home page
    • Under navigation, click "Import" (or go directly to
    • Choose file
    • Select a file type, i.e "EndNote XML"
    • Check "Batch Process"
    • Click Import to finish the process

    • Changing an author to be an OSU author
      • Login to drupal following the "Login" bullet point above
      • Click on a bibliography you wish to update.
      • Click the edit tab
      • Scroll down and click on authors
      • surround authors name with HTML bold tags (<b> authors name </b>)
      • hit save
    • Delete Content 
      • Sort by Title to make it easier to find the content you wish to delete
      • Click the delete action in the very right hand column to delete a specific bibliography
        • Note: Clicking edit will take you to the same page that the edit tab takes you from "Changing an author to be an OSU author" 
  • Domains