Student Employee Access Policy and Procedures

Student Employee Access Policy and Procedures

This policy is intended for all partner organizations and student employees of the Valley Library. It addresses building access to the Valley Library only. Access control is an important aspect of security for both personal and organizational property.  Ensuring proper access control helps keep everyone in the Valley Library safer. Loss of access control means that access to the building and areas in the building cannot be limited to employees working in the library.

Table of Contents

Student Employee Access Policy

Policy is intended to be broad and as evergreen as possible. Proposed changes must go through LAMP approval.


All student employees will be given access to electronic locks using a non-transferrable credential. In most cases, the student’s OSU ID cards will be used as the employee credential. Exceptions to this will be authorized by the Access Coordinator. Transferrable credentials such as PINS will not be used.

Supervisors should make their student employees aware of the following restrictions:

  • Credentials are intended for individual use. Loaning or transferring credentials to another individual is prohibited.
  • Credentials should only be used to access the building and its spaces during scheduled work hours.
    • The exception to this restriction is the staff lounge. Students may access the staff lounge using their credentials during regular library hours.

Requesting Access for Student Employees

Building Access will be requested by Student Supervisors and submitted to the Access Coordinator for approval using the Access Request form at the beginning of each hiring cycle. When requesting access for a student employee, Student Supervisors will review this policy with Student Employees to ensure Student Employees understand the responsibilities and restrictions that come with building access.

Student Employee Access

  • Student employees will be given access based upon the department for which they work. This includes both doors and hours of access.
  • All students will be given access to the exterior door on the west side of the (Room 2711-commonly known as the loading dock).
  • All student credentials will be set to expire at the end of the pay cycle following Spring term of the current academic year and will be renewed annually as long as the student remains an employee of The Valley Library or a partner department.

Renewing Credentials

At the end of Spring term, the Access Coordinator will communicate with Student Supervisors to confirm the current employment status of each Student Employee.

  • Students ending their employment: Credentials for students who are ending their employment with The Valley Library or a partner department due to graduation will be set to automatically expire one pay period after the term the student has graduated. After the credentials have expired, they will be deleted from the system by the Access Coordinator. If the Student Employee’s intended graduation date changes after the expiration date has been set, the Student Supervisor should inform the Access Coordinator, so the expiration date can be updated accordingly.
  • Students continuing their employment: Credentials for students continuing their employment at OSULP will be renewed for an additional academic year.

Removing Access

If a student’s employment with The Valley Library or a partner department terminates before the end of Spring term, the Student Supervisor is responsible for notifying the Access Coordinator of the student’s last day of work.

Lost/Replacement Credentials

If an employee loses or replaces their credential either the student employer or their supervisor needs to let the Access Coordinator know so that appropriate actions can be taken to reset locks with the new credentials. If a student is unable to replace their credential (OSU ID card), the Access Coordinator will provide the student with a replacement credential from the library’s existing stock of credentials.

Broken Credentials

If an employee’s credential (OSU ID card) is defective or gets damaged, the employee may replace their credential at the ID shop. This can be done during work time and will be free of charge if the ID shop verifies the credential is truly defective or damaged. It is the Student Employee’s responsibility to notify their supervisor or the Access Coordinator of any changes to their credential (OSU ID card), so locks can be reprogrammed.

Student Employee Access Procedures

Procedures are more detailed than policy and will be adjusted as needed. All changes must align with policy but do not require LAMP approval.

  • In general, the Access Request Form should be completed anytime there is a change to a student’s employment status or their OSU ID card/credential.

Requesting Access

Student supervisors will submit an access request to the Key Authority using the Access Request Form. Once Key Authority has approved the request, the Access Coordinator will grant access by programming the appropriate electronic locks.

Student Supervisors will include:

  • Student employee’s full name
  • Student employee’s OSU ID number
  • Student employee’s anticipated start date
  • Any non-standard access that is needed.

Standard Access by Department

Standard access for all OSULP employees includes:

  • 2011 (LEAD work area)
  • 3730 (RAS, R&L, DPU, OSU Press work areas)
  • H4160 (Hallway to Admin work area)
  • Exterior access through 2711
  • 3779 (Staff Room)

Some departments are granted additional access as required by the work that each department. Student Employees will generally be granted the same level of access as full-time employees working in the same department as the student employee. Exceptions are noted in the table below. If the field is blank, no additional access beyond the standard access listed above is granted.


Standard Access

Student Employees


Pass-through credentials for all electronic locks

Normal credentials instead of pass-through credentials


No additional access

No additional access


No additional access

No additional access

Research & Learning

Classrooms, 2511, 3094

Classrooms, 2511, 3094


3094, 5024

No additional access


Exterior access, 3779, H4160, H4200

Exterior access, 3779, H4160, H4200

Family Resource Center

No additional access

No additional access

Media Hub

Exterior Access, 2011, 3662, 3779, H4160

Exterior Access, 2011, 3779 only


Exterior Access, 2082, 2088, 2515, 3730, 3779

2088, 3779, 2711 (Interior door only)

Grad School

Exterior Access, 3779, 6812, 6822, 6420, 6169, 6170, 6172, 3779. As needed-6559

6812, 6822, 6420, 3779. As needed-6559.

Renewing Credentials

At the end of Spring term, the Access Coordinator will communicate with Student Supervisors to confirm the current employment status of each Student Employee. Credentials for students who are ending their employment with The Valley Library or a partner department due to graduation will be set to automatically expire one pay period after the term the student has graduated as outlined below.

  • Fall Term: 1/16
  • Winter Term: 4/16
  • Spring Term: 7/16
  • Summer Term: 10/16

After the credentials have expired, they will be deleted from the system by the Access Coordinator. If the Student Employee’s intended graduation date changes after the expiration date has been set, the Student Supervisor should inform the Access Coordinator, so the expiration date can be updated accordingly. All other credentials will be renewed for an additional academic year.

Removing Access

If a student’s employment with The Valley Library or a partner department terminates before the end of Spring term, the Student Supervisor is responsible for notifying the Access Coordinator using the Access Request form, giving as much advance notice as possible.

  • Graduating Students: The Access coordinator will set student employee credentials to expire at the end of the term as outlined above.
  • Employment Termination If the student’s employment is ending for other reasons, once notified, the Access Coordinator will set the credentials to expire after the last day of employment. Credentials will be removed entirely during the next programming cycle.

Lost/Replacement Credentials

Supervisors should make clear to student employees that they are encouraged to let their supervisor know if they lose their OSU ID card. The supervisor will inform the Access Coordinator who will remove the lost credential from the locks.

We recognize that replacement of OSU ID cards is expensive, and the card itself is not required for access. It is used because the student already has an ID card. However, the intention is not to place a financial burden on students for replacement of their lost ID card. If a student is unable to replace their ID card, the Access Coordinator will provide the student with a replacement credential from the library’s existing stock of credentials. To protect privacy, student employees will not be required to disclose why they cannot replace their ID card.

If a student employee replaces their OSU ID card, either the student employer or their supervisor should let the Access Coordinator know by completing the Access Request Form, so the old credential can be removed from the locks and the new credential added to the locks.

Broken Credentials

If a student employee’s credential is defective or gets damaged, the employee may replace their credential at the ID shop. This can be done during work time and will be free of charge if the ID shop verifies the credential is truly defective or damaged. It is the Student Employee’s responsibility to notify their supervisor or the Access Coordinator of any changes to their ID card, so locks can be reprogrammed.

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