Safety Week 2023

Safety Week 2023

Notes for next year (copied from 06-Nov-2023 Safety Council meeting minutes)

Mental Health Monday - CAPS tabling - might need to give some feedback to CAPS for the people who were tabling (not super engaging, didn’t get a lot of people stopping by)

Tuesday - Fire Extinguisher training at Autzen - had a lot fewer participants (~6 people, mostly employees). Location was easier for us to set up, but way less visible

Wednesday - Transportation Safety tabling/DPS - probably best attendance this day. Cedar, highly engaged people tabling, better location (transportation in lobby, DPS back by printers), better time slot

Thursday - Safety Council “State of the Union” - who are we, what are we doing? - very few participants. Think we need better advertising for next year (signage just said “What is Safety Council?” but didn’t explain what it was, didn’t advertise there were snacks). But the people who were there were engaged.

Friday – Personal Safety - haven’t gotten any feedback on this one yet since we weren’t there in person

Ideas for next year: Find better place for fire extinguisher training. Start earlier on getting a flu shot clinic set up (or blood drive, or narcan training). Make more events in the afternoon, better participation than morning (as opposed to trying to spread times out throughout the day). Consider having the “State of the Union” as a presentation at an admin briefing the month before to prime people for safety week and keep the audience internal. Consider having a presentation on active shooter safety from Shannon Anderson, or de-escalation training

General rules: no guns, no pandemic

October 9th-13th

Week-long events

Scavenger hunt


Contact: Shannon Anderson


CAPS Mental Health Week (100 reasons)

To do:

  • Verify dates
  • Find out if we have a budget
  • Source coloring book pages
  • Reach out to Matthew Ashland re: scheduling fire extinguisher training Cydney Hill 
  • Reach out to Angela for any regulations for tabling in the donor foyer, then reach out to CAPS to schedule tabling Cydney Hill 
  • Reach out to SHS to see if there are any trainings available for heat stroke/heat exhaustion Cydney Hill 
  • Reserve Willamette rooms for Mental Health day
  • Find someone (maybe at SHS?) to talk about heat exhaustion/heat-related health

Questions for Kenna

  • Who ran the stretch break?

Alternative topics?

  • Heat training - how to recognize signs of heat stroke (broaden to environmental safety - heat, cold, wildfire, flood?)
  • Accident reporting - safety reporting
  • "State of the Union" - what is the safety council? What's its purpose? Overview of the year's incidents

Notes from meetings

10/2/23. Attendees: Sagan, Megan, Angela, Leo

  • Double checking where we're at for each day:
    • Monday - still need to make a sign for 100 Reasons (Megan)
    • Tuesday - still need stickers ordered (Megan/Robin) | Day of, make whiteboard sign for directions
    • Wednesday - Send out calendar invite for confirmed time, OK to be vague about DPS
    • Thursday - Rachel will help with presentation
    • Friday - OK to have SHS pass out Narcan if they are the ones doing the training/handoff | Megan/Angela will be the point person
  • Plan to stash tables and linens in back of LEAD

9/18/23. Attendees: Sagan, Angela, Megan, Leo, Cyd

  • Megan will work on getting graphics for advertisements:
    • Stickers - open to design - ideas: cow with bandaid on it, "I got trained on fire extinguishers at Valley Library", "Safety Week 2023"
    • Kiosk signage - small calendar showing the events for each day
  • Tables needed:
    • Monday - 1 table
    • Tuesday (none, in Autzen)
    • Wednesday - 2 tables
    • Thursday - none needed
    • Friday - 1 table
  • Cyd will finalize times; after that Sagan will send out calendar invites
  • Sagan will write/send an "Intro to Safety Week" email
    • What it is, calendar invites forthcoming, everyone invited

9/13/23. Attendees: Cyd, Ariel, Helen, Leo

  • Narcan available thorugh Save Lives Oregon (per Helen Lee) - interested in having students give Narcan training and then hand it out
  • SHS tabling "Natural Disasters" for 9/13
  • Flu season - promote flu shots and handwashing; safe sex; CAPE
  • Flu clinic - just need a room

9/8/23, Attendees: Cyd, Matt Ashland, Sagan, Leo

  • Check-in re: Fire Extinguisher training
  • Room set-up: 10-ft area to post the LED screen on one side
    • Include a table for flyers and swag

8/8/23, Attendees: Leo, Angela, Megan, Cyd, Sagan

  • Safety Week set for October 9-13
  • Angela is checking on whether or not we can table in the donor foyer - confirmed we can
  • Budget convo - charge to DLB010
    • Graphic design "I got trained at Valley Library on Fire Safety"? Sagan Wallace (Unlicensed) 
      • Do we also want Safety Week posters/signage?
      • Mindfulness coloring pages
    • Library keychain flashlights Megan Lawrence for transportation safety
    • Catering for "State of the Union"

To do's:

  • Mental Health Monday
    • Cyd will reach out to CAPS to see if they want to table
    • Cyd will ask Karl if he'd like to lead a stretch break
    • Sagan will ask Sara about demo-ing mental health items from LoT
  • Fire extinguisher training - can we use Autzen?
    • Cyd willl contact Matt Ashland to verify date + see if it needs to be indoors or outdoors and what time he prefers
    • Sagan will reach out to figure out buttons
  • Transportation Safety
    • Public event, have them table either farther back in the Learning Commons, or in the Rotunda
    • Cyd will contact ZAP, Safe Ride, and Public Safety, ask if they want to table for 1 or 2 hours, from 1p-3p
    • Megan/Angela will try to get keychain flashlights for giveaway
  • "State of the Union"
    • "State of the Union" - reserve Willamettes and Autzen from 1p-3p the week of Oct 8th
    • Megan/Angela to handle food
  • Natural Disasters day
    • Cyd continuing to talk with SHS and UHS folks about tabling options
  • General to-do's:
    • Angela will request graphic design work
  • Where possible, events are open to the public

Daily events

Monday - 9Tuesday - 10Wednesday - 11Thursday - 12Friday - 13
Theme: Mental health MondayTheme: Fire SafetyTheme:  Transportation SafetyTheme: Safety Council "State of the Union"Theme: Natural Disasters

Event: CAPS tabling - donor lobby

stretching break TBD

Event: Fire extinguisher training-- Autzen Classroom

Contact name: Matthew Ashland

Event: ZAP tabling, Public Safety tabling (with Cedar?)

ZAP - bike info

Public Safety - non-bike info

Safe Ride

Contact name: Sara Dalotto and Shannon Anderson

Event: Willamettes

Event: Training on how to recognize heat stroke

Giveaway item: mindfulness coloring book pages?

Advertise mental health kits at the library Sagan Wallace (Unlicensed) 

Giveaway item: Buttons or stickersGiveaway item: Bike lights (staff only) - small flashlights?

Giveaway item: snacks at presentation Lifesavers candy

First Aid kit swag

Giveaway item: water bottles cards with the symptoms listed




  • mark Idaho stop page in booklet
  • public safety may need laptop
  • jackets for public safety officers


  • Reserve Willamettes
  • projector for room
  • emergency radios for here for demo


Email: Sagan

Email: Sagan


Email: Sagan




Email: Sagan

update last years email

add locations of building radios

Email: Sagan

update the earthquake

Floating daily themes:

Event: Massage
Contact: sara k smith (sara.k.smith@oregonstate.edu)



Prizes -

gift card - $10

donuts - $22 doz (2 dozen)

transportation filing - $40

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