2023 01-05 Meeting Notes
2023 01-05 Meeting Notes
- Kenna Warsinske
- Christa Wright
- Michael Boock (Unlicensed)
- Tu Lam
- Sarah Imholt (Unlicensed)
- Ryan Ordway (Unlicensed)
- Ryan Wick (Unlicensed)
- Cara Key (Unlicensed)
- Brandon Straley (Unlicensed)
- David Manela (Unlicensed)
- Hui Zhang (Unlicensed)
Corey Gillen, Marc Rempel
- Agree on project goals for the next 6 months
- Come to a shared understanding about product owners
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
20 minutes | Review a draft of projects for the next 6 months - what's missing? Think about priorities and what resources we might need to be successful | Beth, | |
10 minutes | Discussion around assigning "product owners" or "application service managers" to our various applications. What does it mean to us to have someone in that role? how is it different from the technical lead? | Margaret | Outcome-review the list for updates, contact the non-technical leads to let them know they are assigned. Also think about reorganizing this page. |
10 minutes | Discussion on meeting cadence. Question - should we move the department meeting to 1 or 2x per month? We already talked about adding local standups, and the infrastructure group meets regularly. Are there other meetings that would be helpful? Are there ways we might restructure our department meeting to make it more than a round-robin? | All | Keep a weekly meeting. This is the social interaction time for the department. Could we turn on our cameras? |
5 minutes | We talked about changing our department name and the vote was for Library Information Technology. Still good? If so, Margaret will announce to library and take the next steps. | Margaret | Department Logo |
10 minutes | LastPass conversation - should we change to Bitwarden or 1Pass or? Change all passwords? Discuss a change process for passwords and decide how to implement it. | All | Ryan and Christa are investigating HashiCorp's Vault Change all passwords - in phases 1) anything with web access 2) others are set up with local access only and will be changed later We should have documentation for how o update any passwords associated with each of our apps, and which ones have passwords shared. |
5 minutes | Next steps, action items |
Action items
- Margaret Mellinger (Unlicensed) change the department name
- Beth and Margaret revisit application inventory
- Change all passwords - this is a long process
- Kenna will change the LP password
- Margaret will investigate Bitwarden and Keeper, Ryan and Christa will investigate HashiCorps Vault
- Develop part of the disaster plan that identifies the process.
- Margaret will ask UIT peeps if they have any disaster plan
, multiple selections available,