2024-04-11 Meeting notes

2024-04-11 Meeting notes


Apr 11, 2024


  • @Margaret Mellinger


  • Gather feedback for the Mission, Vision, and Values Group

 Discussion topics

Vision and Values Departmental Feedback

What is a vision statement - defines where we want to go in the next span of time

Values - define how we operate. What do we hold to be most important and what do we want to show publicly.

Michael - it’s been interesting to work with the group. There a lot of focus on inclusion; an open and welcoming environment for everyone.

Prework for the department meeting
Review the draft vision and values statement
Review the OSU Strategic Plan

Prompts for feedback discussion:

  1. Do these values connect with your department's work?

    1. Yes, we can see connections They are broad enough and that they are reflective of what we are trying to achieve as a library.

    2. Balance value question. In the last plan there was a kind of balance between keeping up the current work and adding new work. Is that what this is? Yes - the idea that we cannot do everything.

    3. Curiosity is interesting - what’s the implication? What does this mean? It covers research and learning, discovery

  2. Is this vision aspirational enough to strive for over the next 6 years?

    1. It’s very sweet, nothing against it. It’s not bad.

    2. This is above my pay grade - I’ll go with whatever you come up with

    3. We have maybe struggled in the past with vendors deciding what our purpose is.

    4. It could have more of a Northstar - where are we going

    5. The tense of the words. Everyone belongs makes it seem like it’s already where we are. Is this where we are or where we are going? What is the vision part? where it is taking us and what are we going to aspire to.

    6. How could it be more vision-y? We strive to promote the campus values of equity….

    7. Agreed. It feels like a mission statement w/o the ‘how’

    8. If the campus vision is essentially “prosperity widely shared” - how is our vision aligning with that.

    9. Prosperity for us would be knowledge creation or knowledge sharing. We are sharing out other people’s prosperity

    10. Spirit of sharing “everyone gets access”

    11. “Act as a service for researchers” getting people access to research

 3. Is there further feedback you would like to share on the values or vision?

 Action items
