Website Redesign Meeting Notes

Website Redesign Meeting Notes


Aug 22, 2024


  • @Lucinda Amerman

  • @Robin Weis

  • @Rachel Burgess

  • @McKenzie Heryford

  • @Laura Ramos

  • @Beth Shields


  • Discuss information needs met by map on the website

  • Develop goals for map website page

 Discussion topics

Questions to consider

  • What is the purpose for having maps on the website?

  • What information needs do we want to meet ?

  • Patron ability to plan ahead when accessing library services, spaces, and materials.

    • Does the library have what they need?

    • Where is the space they need to go for an event (classes, etc.)

    • Where are materials they need located?

    • Physical accessibility-does the space accommodate their needs?

  • Reduces anxiety

    • Able to plan travel, knowing they can find their needed location quickly.

    • Aids in finding materials, spaces, etc. without having to ask for help or interact with more people than desired/necessary.

  • Provides visual overview to take in information quickly, easily.

  • Important to keep accessibility needs in mind.

    • How would a screen reader interact with our website.

    • Does a list of locations better serve screen readers than a map?

    • New accessibility rules coming soon.

  • What is the purpose for having maps on the website?

  • What information needs do we want to meet ?

  • Patron ability to plan ahead when accessing library services, spaces, and materials.

    • Does the library have what they need?

    • Where is the space they need to go for an event (classes, etc.)

    • Where are materials they need located?

    • Physical accessibility-does the space accommodate their needs?

  • Reduces anxiety

    • Able to plan travel, knowing they can find their needed location quickly.

    • Aids in finding materials, spaces, etc. without having to ask for help or interact with more people than desired/necessary.

  • Provides visual overview to take in information quickly, easily.

  • Important to keep accessibility needs in mind.

    • How would a screen reader interact with our website.

    • Does a list of locations better serve screen readers than a map?

    • New accessibility rules coming soon.

  • How can we best meet those information needs through maps?

  • How do information needs around services differ from information needs around materials?

  • Maps with clickable fields-pop ups that include additional information.

    • For services that could include photos, website links, and service description.

    • For materials that might include details shelf location.

    • For spaces that might include photos and wayfinding information.

  • All floor maps kept on a single page so patrons can scroll instead of clicking.

  • Can we meet service and materials needs with one system or do we need two different mapping systems?

  • How much money are we willing to spend?

  • Stack Maps would allow detailed wayfinding for materials but is expensive.

    • Unclear if this is the only option.

    • Unclear how granular we want to go with this kind of information.

  • LibCal maps provides pop-up cards with more information.

    • Lucinda will schedule a demo and invite the group.

    • If we go with a different version of clickable map that would require coding from LIT, they need to know soon to block out time for that work.

Other considerations/conclusions

  • Location list

    • Acts like a Table of Contents for the building and could be separate from the maps pages.

    • Group agrees that the small maps currently on our website are not effective for the labor the require and should be removed.

    • Links included in location list should be to service pages only.

  • Exhibits vs. Displays

    • Exhibits are locations, a destination space for an event and should be referenced in the maps.

    • Displays are materials that change regularly and shouldn’t be tied to maps.

 Action items

@Lucinda Amerman schedule a demo for LibCal maps and invite the group.
@Beth Shields will remove the small maps from the current website


  1. No more small maps-large maps only

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