2016-05-17 Meeting Notes

2016-05-17 Meeting Notes


17 May 2016



Discussion Items

 Shared DrivesMargaretMargaret will finish the document, all can help.

Need to redirect Broken Equipment form to Libtech.support@oregonstate.edu

Let's try to update JIRA, see if the updates make it easier to use, and then see if we want to keep it.

 Responsiveness to library needs/requestAllEveryone in the library needs something from us. How to communicate our process, track the requests, keep requesters updated. Also: how to stay positive, and how to set reasonable expectations.

Action Items

  • @Margaret will finish the document and take to Admin Briefing 
  • Devs can redirect the broken equipment form to libtech.support@oregonstate.edu
  • Dan and Margaret will work on updating the Technology Support Page