2017-07-13 Meeting Notes


13 July 2017



Discussion Items

1 minuteNeed a note taker, a time keeper and a person to track action items. 
  • Dan - notes; Mark - time keeper
2 minutesAdditions to this agenda? 
  • None
30-40 minutesFall term begins 9/20  - what work do we have to do before then?  What are the milestones and deadlines we need to hit to be successful?  Each person take 5 minutes to discuss.  OUTCOME: understanding of work across the department and agreeing on deadlines, focus and priorities  
  • Two months before fall term starts
 LC and ClassroomsDave
  • Switching to Windows 10
  • Awaiting final decision on Adobe
  • Without Citrix Dave will need to modify each individual machine; no new massive changes for classrooms outside Barnard situation (on hold)
  • Windows update may cause Start button errors - Dave to investigate classroom machines; assume new default profile will obviate this issue
  • Kiosks, too - buying 4 more kiosks so there's one on each floor; get Primo on kiosks to get rid of thin clients around library (13+ years old, time to go)
  • Primo go live by August 20th - gives LEAD enough time to train staff/students
  • Investigate additional language packages to add to Primo New UI
  • Question - branding? Barrier - need to figure out new brand guidelines for Primo
  • Upgrade map services
  • Some additional server work, to be addressed ad hoc; to work with Ryan O.
  • Completing SA migration through Milestone 2 (all content there, usable to end users) - to be finished by August
  • Enhancements to follow
  • By late August/early September, free up developer resources
  • Question - add new branding look? Margaret to investigate if SA can use new branding/logo; ask about pricing for fonts; Dan Moret to get companion logos?
  • Problem with new logo fitting in Hyrax framework, question about secondary site search
 Websites, LibCalKenna
  • Branding update (see Primo and SA notes)
  • Drupal security updates on sites, still seeing some trouble spots
    • Ellie's log - AJAX errors when updating certain parts
  • Looking at process to update sites, talk to people about pushing to Git and pulling from server is best practice
  • Google analytics - collate traffic numbers from all sites
  • HTTPS still a priority
  • LibApps - Cal, Answers, Guide, and Chat work
  • Meeting with Sarah about room res (LibCal)
 Who else? 


  • LibNav - built by CS students; navigation app to help students move around library, especially to find study locations; locations searchable by environment (well lit) or size (large table); project handed off to Brandon after senior CS design project concluded
  • Next step - host this project somewhere. Might be on Kiosks, or hosted on own website temporarily; app is unfinished/requires refinement and user testing
  • Stakeholders - Beth, Uta, and Autumn
  • Requires MySQL database before setup and maybe a different package manager and hostname (Ryan O); rest is more or less ready; need 1-2 days to setup
  • Could be installed on a staging server or lib-rails sandbox
  • Need user testing and to populate database (to work with LEAD)
  • Timeline - install tomorrow (7/14) and reach out to LEAD to begin work on this next Monday
10 minutesWhat other projects are out there to tickle the fancy of those of us working so hard on one thing?all


  • Meeting with SCARC/Anne Bahde re: data visualization project next week
  • From ETS Open Hours conversation
  • Anne's project a holdover from a few years ago that Trey worked on
  • Require a few days of work to resolve project

Additional projects

  • Expand kiosks to have LibNav and OSU-only Primo add virtual pop-up keyboard to kiosk


  • Update library fines; Margaret has updated logic and will send it on


  • Scan archival object and render it on website
    • Margaret still has cuneiform tablet file


  • Meeting tomorrow morning with Alliance folks re: adding oaDOI to the Alma link resolver


  • Found script to render 3d printing objects as they are printing; to work with Kenna on implementing
  • 3d rendering of SCARC objects; Pauling's office
5 -10 minutes


  • Annual appraisals timeline:  Faculty evaluations due July 17; Margaret will be writing these evaluations by August 1 and meeting with faculty to finalize the appraisals and goals   
  • Strategic planning process  - email will be coming from Faye 
    • Retreat for ETS will be in the fall
  • Reporting time off to Margaret 
  • Anyone have anything to add?
  • Annual appraisals for faculty due August 1st; will have met and finished process by August 30th
  • Faye to send out email re: joining strategic planning group; tentative analysis and writing groups
  • Retreat in October due to projects; Margaret to solicit assistance as date gets closer
  • If people are going to submit time off requests, submit email requests - for both sick and personal leave

Action Items
