Building Updates

Building Updates

What's Going On?

-The HVAC system will be transitioned to cold weather operations later in October/ early November as the temperatures start to drop. As a result there may be a few days with fluctuation as the system adjusts. 

-Lucinda Amerman started last week and will function as my back up. She works 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Saturday through Wednesdays. She will be helping out with library maintenance work orders and learning the ropes of study rooms and the building as a whole. So happy she is here and proving herself to be pretty amazing already!

-Found out there is a roof issue with some Cap Flashing that needs repaired. Working with campus to find a solution before there is any further damage. 

-The 3M Security Gates stopped functioning and I am sharing information with Admin regarding sensor options to take care of people counts. |

Current and Upcoming Projects

LC Standing Tables
The new standing tables are assembled and already seeing heavy use. The last part to come in is the electrical components. 

LC Furniture Repairs
Repairing the purple and green chairs in the learning commons and broken white boards from Steelcase. 

Window Cleaning
All done! Power washed the front entryway and had it trimmed so it was all beautiful for the start of the term. 

Second Floor Classroom (formerly known as the Copier Room)
Opening goal is January 2019 at the start of the new term. Jane and I are making final selections on furniture to order next week. 

Project Activities:
Purchasing technology and equipment
Have several quotes and budgets for facilities work and other items
Gathering pricing and information for furniture and wall

Participants: Jane Nichols, Stefanie Buck, Rachel Ziegler, Academic Technology, Dave Manela

Summer 2018
Study Room Work
All research rooms are now located on the 6th floor of the library. Study rooms are located on the 1st and 5th rooms. 

Project Components
Painting (finished)
Chair Rail Installation - to protect walls from damage (approved but work pending)
Locks (Future)

Participants: Beth Filar-Williams, Sarah Schuck, Rachel Ziegler, Lucinda Amerman

Third and Fourth Floor Construction and Move
Service Design
Joe Marquez completed facilitating discussions for the third floor reconfiguration including the final session at the end of September for RAS. 
The project manager assigned by campus - Lori Fulton. 

The timeline looks to be shifting later so there are no solid dates for construction or moving as of yet. The construction documents are being prepared to put out for bid. 

Timelines and Project Information

I am advocating for a construction start in December during intercession to minimize the impact on staff and patrons. For the library portion of this project the ordering of any additional cubicle parts and set up of the microform surge space is the first major step. Once the construction bids come in the timelines will firm up very quickly.

The abbreviated timeline I’ve been given during conversations with Lori Fulton is laid out thusly:

  • The week of July 2 a new contract was established with Hennebery Eddy architects to complete design phase of project.
  • Systems West was contracted on July 5, 2018 to design the system mods (HVAC, etc)
  • Allow 4 weeks for design work to complete and to submit for permits
  • Hennebery Eddy was to review the design plans (at 90% completion) to make sure we are all in agreement.
  • The bid process begins.
  • 8 – 10 weeks will be needed for contractors to review drawings, walk through, complete their bids, and have the winning bid get a contract in place. Construction cannot begin until there is a signed contract.
  • Possible construction start in late fall or in December - this may be later now!
  • Furniture takes up to 12 weeks to ship.
  • Extra surge space will be set aside at least 6 weeks in advance. 
  • Need to create a bid for the reconfiguration of furniture on the third floor for the library's portion. 

Next Steps for Now:

-I am working with Lori Fulton, Office World and Workplace Resources of Oregon (WRO) on getting basic pricing for enclosing the microform area and any other necessary cubicle reconfiguration. Recent information suggests this process will be somewhat complex.

The information related to this project continues to evolve and I will keep you all informed as the it rolls forward. If there are any questions I will do my best to answer them.

Upgrade of controls in the HVAC system an Pneumatics (Awaiting Final Confirmation, Approval by Campus)
This has been postponed by campus until 2019/2020.


Study Room Swap (Complete) 
Mediascape in 6th floor still needs relocated. Writing studio has asked for it. 

SpaceSaver Shelving Upgrade (Complete)
Compact shelving controls are aged and failing throughout the building. SpaceSaver Specialists will be coming in to work on updated components on the 1st floor and salvaged the parts to use throughout the building for failing controls. 
This project completed in early August 2018.

Participants: Laura Ramos, Rachel Ziegler

All in the Hall (Complete)

The blue bins in the core elevator section are remaining and are placed so as to follow ADA guidelines. 
This project was approved Fall 2017 and replaced existing blue bins throughout building with consistent disposal units. Funding was matched by Campus Recycling with PEPSI Grant. 

Project Activities
New Bin Install has happened! They look great. 
Old 13 gallon bins are being collected and decommissioned now that there is centralized trash/recycling on each floor.

Participants: Uta Hussoung-Christian; Rachel Ziegler

New Signage Installed (Complete)
The new signage from NWGI was installed. The response from students and library folk has been very positive thus far.