November 2021

November 2021

Quick Update

Large Capital Projects
Roof Replacement
The roof construction project has a new project manager in place. The action on that front is the project is currently out for bid with contractor meetings occurring the weeks of November 29 and December 6. The project is for FULL removal down to the deck and replacement of the roof rather than a reroof. Rachel is working with the project manager, reviewing all the documents, attending planning meetings and the bid meetings. The really big news is the bid is for construction to start June 13, 2022. This means construction will occur primarily during the summer months!

Cell Antenna
The other project in active planning is the cell antenna project with ATT. Negotiations are ongoing. This project is potentially occurring in early spring but could also be delayed as the roof replacement is the priority and all planning must accommodate that schedule and quality of outcome.

SCARC Liebert
The Liebert unit that supports temperature and humidity control in the special collections archive is slated for replacement! And campus has agreed to fund this work as it was part of existing infrastructure from the 1998 expansion. The project is current taking quotes from contractors and looks to be falling below $100,000.

Solar Panels
This project will occur after the roof work is completed. The solar project is accounted for and planned for in both the roof replacement and ATT work.

Elsewhere in the Building!
First Floor
The Spaces team has been hard at work moving furniture and resetting areas on the first floor in preparation for reopening the southern half of the floor. The only areas that will remained closed off for RAS to continue their work through the rest of the academic year include the Northern half of the floor containing compact shelving, the study room hallway currently being used for staff and hoteling offices. The western wall next to the loading dock will also be roped off until it is no longer needed for surplus and staging of shelving.

Fourth Floor
This week and next old carpet in ecampus offices and meetings rooms is being pulled and replaced. Bertsch has handled the moving. This work will be completed November 30.

This is still in progress but the first round of avenue signage throughout the building is updated and in place.

Offsite Storage: SCARC
The shelving for the offsite SCARC storage room has been selected and ordered. It will be installed and anchored once it arrives.

Administration and Processes
Spaces Retreat
The Spaces Unit had its first planning retreat in November! The administration department met to discuss the purpose of the unit, scope, goals, challenges, and strategies. A follow up meeting is scheduled for early 2022.

Several phones throughout the building are being swapped with VOIP models. The directories and phone circles in the system are being sorted and updated. In an effort to streamline future needs, Lucinda is working on a request form and process similar to the one in place for key and access needs will be put into place.

The hoteling spaces have worked well for Fall term following the mask restrictions as a way to support onsite workers for mask free zoom, break, and works spaces. With winter term a few weeks away, Lucinda is pulling the hoteling stats and we are looking at them to make any necessary adjustments. TED librarians are planning more on site time. I am looking at all the spaces on 1st, 3rd, and 4th and how best to utilize them to meet needs for offices, hoteling, and break/lunch spaces. Expect more news in the coming weeks!