12/18/20 Project Updates

12/18/20 Project Updates

December 18, 2020


The roof projects that were originally grouped together have been decoupled by Campus Space Planning. This means we have 3 different roof projects upcoming:

  • Roof replacement
  • Solar Panel installation
  • Cell Tower installation

The current timeline for work to begin is summer/fall 2021 depending upon the approach that is chosen for the roof replacement. A strategy will be discussed at the next weekly campus meeting for the roof project.

Offsite Storage

The timeline for this project continues to be adjusted due to a variety of factors including:

  • Insulation failure at the Nypro building
  • Ongoing negotiations with Campus Space Planning about the deadline for knockdown of the Facilities shops.

Rachel is continuing with the procurement process for a moving contract.


We are looking at the need to replace SCARC’s Liebert unit in the next few years and competing budget demands for capital improvements.

We are continuing to work with Johnson Controls to finalize details with the new security system controls for SCARC that were installed over the summer.

Ongoing Building Operations
-LibCal Seats has been updated for Winter Term.
-Fire Inspection Walkthrough complete and now working to address issues in the report.

-Coordinating with Facilities to remove the security gate Gate at the main entrance of the library.

Coming up next week
Working on a quote for reupholstering library chairs with MacDonald Upholstering

Coordinating library pandemic supply ordering for Winter term

Beginning the next steps planning of the Safety Committee